Dick Gregory: Titan of Truth 



I’ve often said that truth can’t necessarily be seen, but, like a black hole, we can know what it is by how it affects everything around it. This is the best way for me to express my feelings about the passing of Mr. Dick Gregory.

From researcher, playwright and friend, Joseph Green on his stellar blog Dissenting Views: Dick Gregory RIP.

From author, scholar, screenwriter, researcher, friend and mentor, Joseph McBride: Obit for Dick Gregory. Joe posted the below statement (italics) in response to the Washington Post obit of Dick Gregory:

“Predictably, the CIA organ Washington Post slurs Dick Gregory as a “conspiracy theorist” for believing the Agency helped run cocaine into the US, which the CIA’s own Inspector General’s report confirmed. And the Post also predictably ignores one of Gregory’s major contributions to this country, his work in investigating and lecturing and writing on the JFK and King assassinations. The Post ought to be ashamed of itself.”
I had the honor of meeting and filming Dick Gregory at the Coalition on Political Assassinations (COPA) Dallas Conference years ago.  He was kind and accessible, and he wrapped up the conference with quiet words of hope, strength and dignity. (Video to be linked when I return to my office.) I’ll let him wrap up this post himself.

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